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8 Innovative Web Design Trends For 2020

· Web Design
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Web design trends are a dynamic phenomenon. With the increase in hardware capabilities of devices, there has been an increasing trend of developing highly functional and attractive websites. Responsive website design services are highly in demand and are constantly looking to implement the latest website design trends.

In addition to the flat UI elements that we are witnessing for a while now, there has been a constant struggle from website design services to keep up with the latest design trends. In this post, we will be looking at the top 8 web design trends that are prevalent in 2020. Let’s begin!

8 Innovative Web Design Trends in 2020

According to a few highly coveted responsive website design services, below are the top 8 innovative design services that are in high demand in 2020.

  • Dark Mode: Dark mode is a hot design trend that is being implemented across digital platforms. With the latest push by the Android and iOS operating systems, dark mode is becoming the go-to visual design feature that is highly coveted by users and clients alike. In modern smartphones with high-quality AMOLED displays, the dark mode has a functional advantage over its light counterparts, for example, increased power savings and a minimalistic and attractive UI. These features have made dark mode one of the most sought after design trends of 2020.
  • Hand Crafted Vectors: Including hand-drawn vector images are the second most sought after dark mode. Although responsive website design services can build a fast and fluid website for your business, including these vectors images in your web design can lead to a greatly enhanced appeal for your website. These vector images help the website in getting a personality and precisely appeals to the site visitors.
  • Included 3D Elements: Including 3D elements in websites is yet another design trend that is gaining steam in 2020. These visuals are enjoyed by site visitors and greatly enhances the site’s overall appeal. Until VR becomes widespread, immersive 3D visuals can go a long way in creating advantages for your website. Responsive website design services can provide you with templatised 3D elements to include in your website that enhances the overall UI and improves the user experience.
  • Layers, Floating Elements & Shadows: Shadows on a website create a 'Reality' experience on the website and adds a tone of depth. This trend takes the material design further and implements the depth effect on text, images and graphics. It is crucial that this feature is utilised judiciously so it doesn't seem over the top. Responsive website design services can strike the perfect balance for this element and design the perfect website with the right amount of layers, floating elements & shadows.
  • Including High-Quality Images and Graphics: Including high-quality images and graphics in a collage fashion is the latest web design trend of 2020. These images and designs can help the website in staying relevant and portraying a memorable effect on on-site visitors. Responsive website design services can match images with your website's layout and build the perfect website for your business. Implementing this design trend can make the website sophisticated and highly attractive to the end-user. 
  • Luminous Colour Profiles: Ubiquitous colour profiles are another highly sought after design trends in 2020. Pairing unconventional colour combinations in web designs are the latest development that responsive website design services have brought forward and make the design bold and attractive. Luminous colour profiles are highly sought after and will definitely play a key role in defining the latest designs in 2020. 
  • Navigation Minimalism: With the introduction of small devices such as smart wearables, navigation was a key factor that required its fair bit of evolution. Minimalist navigation helps site visitors in navigating the UI naturally and helps in garnering the ultra-short attention span of site visitors. Over the years, navigation has become simpler and in 2020, this trend is sure to witness a huge boost in adoption.
  • Incorporating White Solid Structure: The days of bleed out images and structures are nearing their end and now incorporating white structures has emerged as the latest design trend of 2020. Responsive website design services can deploy these white structures in your web design and improve the overall structure and the stability of the entire website.